Ansel Adams was the catalyst to my becoming a photographer. This is the first image I ever created that I would have been proud to show him.
I like this because it is one of the first architectural images I ever created.
I had to convince the client to give me just 5 minutes to shoot this image which they felt was not going to be useful for them. It was my first cover!
International Place from Rowes Wharf. One of my favorites because it is such a unique and iconic view of a building that everyone has seen a hundred times.
This image was published years ago in FRAME magazine which just so happened to be one of the favorite magazines of a beautiful and talented young woman who came across it and recognized it as one of my own. It will forever be one of my favorites because it helped me earn her respect... the rest, as they say, is history ;-)
I was just about to break down the gear when a miniature, white, electric mercedes drove into the frame and pulled to a stop followed closely behind by the young driver's parents. The play of scale and the human scene that unfolded were what made the picture complete for me.
As modern and technical as the design and finish in this space are, the feeling is very much one of being in a natural and organic, cavernous space. I think it's beautiful.
Dusk is an incredible time of day to shoot. I love the quality of light in this image and the way the the soft reflection in the water shows the passage of time. The combination of old and new technology is fascinating to me and the way that the land interacts with the water. This image conveys a lot of information about how humans live and move through their environment.
MC Escher... enough said.
I love this image because to reminds me that visible light is not red, green, or blue, or any other color. Much in the same way as radio waves do not have a color but yet we can create full ("artificial") color images of the universe imaged in radio. Color is merely an applied attribute. It is our own "artificial" reality. And it looks like an x-ray, and x-ray's are very cool.